... Last month, for the first time in its 26 years of life and death as an organization dedicated to jihadist terrorism, al Qaeda through its Iraqi branch, the ISIS, laid out detailed plans for destroying Israel in a 33-page booklet under the title: “Proofs and Documentation in Support of the Proposition that the Destruction of the Jewish State Will Come from Iraq.”
The publication, penned by Abu al Khatab al Maqdasi” (the Jerusalemite), is lavishly illustrated with photos and maps. After overpowering Syria, he says, Al Qaeda’s mission is the destruction of Israel. Throughout history, he argues, Israel was conquered by armies coming from the North.
Therefore, the security cabinet’s assurance of “a significant decline in the threat of chemical weapons being fired at Israel" should be taken with a hefty grain of salt. The end of gas mask distribution is premature.